The Country of Uganda

Located on the Equator in Africa

Even though the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Uganda is much lower than it once was, it still remains very high. AIDS is still claiming tens of thousands of lives each year in Uganda. Such a severe epidemic has a considerable social and economic impact on the country. With AIDS killing so many young adults, the country’s labor force is being depleted and educational and health services are weakened. The high death rate among young adults leaves behind thousands of orphaned children and grandparents with no support system. This places a tremendous burden on the community and the country.


Uganda’s AIDS Crisis, World Bank Discussion Paper no.298


Uganda (inset)

Quick Facts

  • Uganda has a population of approximately 36 million people. Of that figure, approximately 20 million are under the age of 18.
  • The average life expectancy is 58.7 years.
  • Leading causes of death are HIV and malaria.
  • 1 million children have been orphaned due to the AIDS epidemic.
  • 7.2% of the population are living with the HIV virus.
  • $1.83/day is the average wage earned.
  • 78% are peasant farmers.
  • 77% live on dirt floors.
  • 10 million Ugandans have cell phones (they pre-pay for minutes and electricity for charging is spotty so they often are not working).
  • There are approximately 18 different ethnicities and approximately that many languages.
  • Most Ugandans speak some English as their common language.
  • Matooke, a plantain type banana, is a favorite food in Uganda.